viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

My summer :)

Hello today is a good day, because the holiday season is arriving to my life.Today I’d like to talk about my plans in this summer.

First, I only want can have a rest. In january 13, I will go to  the beach with my grandparents, my uncle, my sister, my cousins, my godfather and his wife. We will go to “Bahia pelicano”. It is gated communities and is located in Horcón. We will go to Bahia pelicanos because it have swimming pool with hot water, also it have a tenis court for my cousins play. I will return to my house in january 20. After, I will go to the beach with my father, my sister and my mother, but we don´t know stiil where we will go, a good option is will go to San Pedro of Atacama, because my uncle lives in Calama, then he invited us to his house. After that I return to my house I will work all february in the book shop, really I don´t like to work, but I will do for money only.

Also my plans in december when I leave the university, are I will ride bike in the cycle lane of Pajaritos and I will go to visit to my grandaparents and I will accompany to my grandmother to buy beautiful clothes.

Good Dear Blogger I hope that you are fine, see you later J

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

Hello Teacher and classmates, today  I’m very very tired and the next week is bad week because is a full of tests.

But today I’d like to talk about a topic  that I love it, because I like the games and I remember my chilhood. For me is very difficult can choose only one game, because I played a lot games, I played with the barbies, played  to sell in a supermarket, I played to drive a car, I played monopoly and a lot games more. Today I ‘d like to talk about “play tag”. The “pillarse” (like to say in Chile) is a game that a person catch to the other person , then the catch person is took to the “jail” when other friends can rescue them. I  learnt to play tag when I was 6 years,when I went to school. But to be honest I never  was a good player, always I was in a jail, because I run very slow,  but I enjoyed. Like  I learn it in the school I played with my classmates, generally we divided the course in 2 part, one part was formed by  the boys and the other  team was formed by the girls.

I enjoyed with the game, because was a cute ways to share with my classmates, also was the best way to share with the boys that I loved him. I don’t remeber when was the last time that I played, but  probably was a  long time I don’t play it, but sometimes when I am with my cousins I must play with them. Then we play to “stop here” (or “alto ahí”, like to say in spanish), or we play to do choreography that after we show to rest of our family.

Good dear  teacher and classmates it is all for now I hope that you like it, because for me was a funny experience to write it.

Bye J

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Hello Dear bloggers!
 Today I´m very very tired and  I only wish for the holiday!. Now I would like to talk about a job that I  would like to have. At the moment I’ve done only one job, I worked in the english bookshop, its name is books and bits, but in the future If I could chose a job I think that this could be a journalist. But I chose it, because it is an excelent way to travel free. A journalist  can  travel around the world, because they always must travel to cover the news, then in those opportunities they make the most of the journey. I think that I have the qualities that you need to do this job, and I think that  I could be a great journalist, because  a journalist needs to be an adventurer, knowledgeable, emphatic , show interest for problems of the people, and extroverted. And I think that I would be a good journalist because I have the qualities that are needed to do a great job and in addition I think that in any job if you sacrifice, you can be the best.
Finally I don´t have a person who inspires me, in fact I consider there are a lot bad journalists that can´t  be inspiration for anybody, for exemple, the show business journalist,obviously not all, but the majority.  I would like to be a serious journalist, with prestige in the communications world and I would like to inform the best way possible to people.

Good, dear bloggers I hope that are fine, see you in the next blog!! Bye.

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Hellooo Bloggers Today i’m tired and now I don´t want to do nothings, but today  I’d like to talk you about a walk that I Like to Do Again.
Lately my family is very  sporty, in fact my daddy is runner, and my sister and I are starting to practice sport because this way we accompany to my daddy.
My family loves walk us out at the sunday, because my mother Works to Saturday.
Often we would leave the car in house, like this our adventure start in the house. First we take the public bus, after in the metro  we get off the bus and to take it. Normally we go to Cerro San Cristobal hill, but  the last time that we went was in october 13 rd, because now we are very  busy and we hope with desire the other opportunity  for  go.
My family and I love this place because we think that we can make contact with the nature, also is the best way  for relax us. We enjoy us walking until "the virgin" and in the road towards the Summit we eat “mote con huesillos” or  empanadas that are selling in the hill shop. When we return of hill, we often walk to Bellavista. and  eat a ice-cream,  after we walk in the  Forestal Park until arrive to Plaza de armas, when we finally to take the metro and we return to my house, generally we arrive to 20 hours.
I always wish to go the hill, because I feel that it be used for the joining together of my family and also is a way “3B” like to say in spanish xd “good, pretty and cheap” to relax us and forget us all problems.
Good Blogger this is all for now, I hope that you like it, see you in the next blog  J

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013


Hello Teacher and classmates.
Today is a bad day because I’m very very tired and tomorrow  I’ll must go to field of Quaternary. Now, I’ll talk you about a free topic.

I’d  like to talk you about  the wedding of my brother jijiji. He is 28 years old, and  wiill get marry in february, 15. I know that still lack a long time, but I yesterday bought  my dress, is blue, beautiful and I love it from the first time when I saw it. The last wedding  that I went  was in 2007 and I was child, then I went to my house early. But now I ‘m a old girl, then I will enjoy the wedding all night. My problem is that I don´t have companion, but I’m in search him, although I must admit that there is a candidate in eyesight.
Other reason that I think that is a important the wedding of my brother is because I have a nephew, he is Martyn and he is 6 years old, he is very excinting with the wedding of his parent, in fact he will take the rings to altar.

Finally,  I’ve wish always that in a wedding someone oppose, but I hope that this dont´t be the ocassion (is very common in the soap opera), also I hope they will be happy for ever and I´ll can have a lot nephews, and their wedding be beautifull in the company all their family, because is a very important decisión for the rest of their lifes.

Good Dear Blogger this is all for now, see you in the next post, bye J

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Hello Teacher and Dear Bloggers.
Today is a bad day because I’m tired. Lately I’m hate the university. But I’d like to talk about the future. When I was a young girl,  I thought  be a teacher of history. I always dream can teach to the Young. In fact, I studied history  two months, but  I don´t like it. And now for coincidence of life,I study geography.
I think that I’ ll be in Chile because I can’t go far because I miss to my mother and my father, and all family , I’m very affectionate with them , although I plan to travel around the world, and return to Chile, When I imagine the future I always think that I´ll share my life with my husband and my son ( I want to have only one) and of course with my father, my mother, my sister and my nephew if I have them. In my life I ‘d like to achieve a lots things, but the most important is to be happy. Also I’d like develop myself professionally, have a happy family with a lot dogs and that my parents be healthy.
About that to change the world I think that I’ll change all, every day I can see  like the person are  individualist, selfish and destroy the nature. Then I’d like to see a world quiet, happy, harmony with the animals and nature, where every human can coexist in peace. Maybe it soundimposible, but I know that impossible is nothing.
Good teacher and bloggers I hope that you like my blogg, see you latter in the next blog, Greetings!!

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

Hello Bloggers!
How are you?? I'm fine , and I hope that you are ok!.Today I'd like to write about a very sad moment the  earthquake of february 27th. In that date I was in my house, I recently put in the bed, because I watched in the "festival de Viña" to Ricardo Arjona. When the earth started to shake I left in a hurry of ny bed, but I was very nervous and I can't open the door. I was with my sister, my mother and my daddy. My sister is lazy, then she doesn't want to get up, but my daddy and my mother  like  a good parents get up of their bed and they went to my room and the room of my sister, We were all together, then we were quiet, but the earthquake don´t  finish (was very long). My parent took us in their arms and my mother started to pray. After ,my daddy remembered of the new televisión that was in the living room and he run to hold. While all this happened I was  about to faint, and my sister collected water. when the earthquake finished I was more quiet and my neighbour left their house and asked in the all street how did you. After a long time my mother remembered of my  neigbour next to my house, she and her daugther were alone, because her husband was in Concepcion :(, She was nevous and she tried to call him, but the mobile phone don´t operate. In the morning, they went to their house, because in that night nobody slept. In the evening arrive to my house my grandmother and she was in my house all week because she is very cowardly. In my house don't be effect for the earthquake but I have to visit the psychologist and now  I have fear the earthquake.
Good, bloggers this is my sad history, see you in the next blog :)

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Hello Dear Bloggers!!

Good morning today I’d like to write about a pet. I am very happy because this is a topic that I like it. I have 2 dogs, but in the past I have 3 dogs, in 2010 Firulays died. They arrived the differents ways to my house. First arrived Astro, he borned on the house side, and the neighbour give me. After arrived Firulays, she had been abandoned and she was very very thin and sick. Finally arrived Sebastian, he is Firulays and Astro’s son. Astro and Sebastian  behave them very  bad, they always knocks down the towel and Sebastian doesn´t stop bark in the window, he is fighter. For other side Firulays was very lovin (was because she died), she was the ideal pet, she loved go for a walk and she was special dog in all the fields. My family and I always play with them, they run and play with their toys, they have a giraffe and  balls.

We loved them and we take care of them. We always carry to veterinary, we buy the tasty food for them, play with them, and we all saturdays and Sundays go for a walk in the park. In conclusión my dogs are very special in my home and are very spoilt.

Good bloggers this is only for now, I hope that you are fine!!. See you in the next blog J.

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

A Special Meal
Hello Dear Bloggers!!!

Today I'd like to write about a special meal. My favourite special meal was in 2008. I remember that all my family and I had a New Year dinner in a chinese food. My family is very big and also we are connected, everytime we do activities for share. Our table was the biggest in the restaurant and we had 8 waiter only for us. In the dinner were my mum, my sister, my daddy, my godfather and his family, my uncles, my 7 cousins, my grandmother, my grandfather, my great-grandmother (she had 94 years old in that date).
My family is ver very big meal ( my godfather is able eat 2 kg of meat alone). In the dinner we ate very much meat, with chaufan rice, chapsui of chicken and I drank raspberry juice (my favourite), also I think that all chinese food is good. My grandmother ate an exotic food, I don´t know that was still, only she ate it.

I remember this ocassion because was the last New year of my great- grand mother, because in february of 2009, she died. Then the family was sad for her death, but for other side we were happy because we were the last new year together and we celebrated. After the dinner we were full, then we went to godfather's house , we danced until daybreak, definitely was the best new year in my life. All my family remember the 'happy' new year of 2008.

Good this is only for now, good weekend! Kisses 

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

Hello Blogger Today I’d like to talk about a beach or lake that I’ve visited. I love getting out to Santiago, I enjoy to visit other places. I went to Panguipulli Lake in 2009 by study tour. I went with my classmates and my Teacher. When we arrived to Panguipulli, we go all over the place. We can see a old museum and perceive beauty of lake. The day was sunny, the water's  lake was crystalline and I was really happy with my friends. We take many photographs. we ate in a small restaurant that was in a village and after  to wait around two hours we board the boat, this boat  crossed us, then we finally took the bus that brought to Bariloche. I remember this experince because I was really happy, sometimes I think was the best seven days of my life. I visited many beautiful places, ice-skate, ate very much (because in Bariloche there are much chocolate shops).
Also I think was a great experience, because I can share with my classmates, and was the first time I traveled outside to Chile. in the return to Santiago,  we was in Valdivia and  puyehue thermal springs. Finally we arrived to Santiago after seven happy days.
Good, blogger this is only for now, Greetings!!

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013


Hello Blogger How are you??.
 Today I'd like to write about something I would like to learn to do.  I´d like to learn to speak english very well. In the past I went to an english institute , I was in there two years, and I considerer that I learnt  too, also in my high school the english class was excelent, the english teacher was the best. The difficult in the past to learn to speak english was that the class were on  Saturday in the morning, then I felt very tired, and the difficultly now is I dont´t have time, because the university is more important.
I think that I can learn to speak english very well in a Little time, if I try. The equipment  I would need are english books, to take a class in the institute again also, because I forgot something , a good dictionary, but really I think that the most important difficultly that I would  face in trying to learn to speak english is I don’t have money  to pay for the english class, because the other things that I need, are very easy to obtain for me, because my mother works in the english bookshop, then I can buy books when they are  on  offer, for example I bought “hard times”, and it has 280 pages, then I must read in the summer, and this way I can practice my english.

 This is only for now, see you latter when I write the other blog, byee J

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Hello Dear bloggers... How are you?? I'm ver very happy, because I love the homeland festivity I think that is a very important date, and I feel proud to be chilean.

 I always celebrate this date, but the most remember celebration is when I was 17 or 18 years old (I don´t remember properly). I was in the great-grandfather house, with all my family (father, mother, sister, cousin,uncle,godfather,etc).

First we ate pasty, roast meat, potato, rice,roast chicken, and all type of typical chilean food and drank wine and something to drink. After the lunch I went to the park with my father,my godfather, and my cousins and we raise to kite, I was really enjoyed because I was very happy played a “ typical chilean game” (I think that the traditions are important and identity us like chileans). After the game, we returned to the house and we ate again (we love eat). Finally the night to arrived, and each one of us  returned our houses. Next day we watched tv “military parade” because is a tradition family( my the great-grandfather loved it, but now she was death, we carry on with the tradition).

In conclusion, the Fiestas Patrias is the most like celebration for me, I hope this year we celebrate the birthday of Chile.


viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

Hello Dear Bloggers
 A long time that I didn´t write in my blog, but today I come back. In this opportunity I would like to write about mu hobbies.
First I must say that I like a lot things in the life, but the things that I like it I really love it. My principal hobbie is get together with my friends, with they I am very happy. We used to play "never never" (hihihi), talk about our lifes and laugh the bad things.
Other hobbie that I have is go for a walk my dogs, I have two dogs, their names are Astro and Sebastián and  I generally the sundays go for a walk them with my parents, but Sebastián have many strength then I don´t walk with it.
Other hobbie that I have recently is read, before I hate it, but now I have learned love it. I read the novels, the last  novel I read was "youth in ecstasy"and it was written by a mexican author called  Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez. My favourite autor is Isabel Allende, and I've  read almost all  books her. Finally, the last hobbie is share with my family, we always talk in the night about the our day, we are a great family :)
This is only for now, see you later, kisses!!

martes, 23 de julio de 2013

Hello Dear Bloggers!! Today I'd like to write about the blogs :). First,, I'd like to talk to you that I am very sad, because today is the last week with the blog. I enjoyed with english blog, because I think it  was great experience, that I learned about my classmates and I could know about your secret life. My favourite post was when I talked about a famous person and when I talked about my photo, because I love to talk about my life, my family, my pets,my friends. Really I am a spontaneous person and I evaluate me like a sincere person. The least favourite post was I wrote about the art, because I think that the art is a subjective topic, it depends on each one. I liked all the blogs, because with each blog I learned something of the  life  of my classmates. I can't choose the most attractive because I think that my classmates wrote your feelings in their blogs , in addition, I think that each one learned about their classmates, but I always write in the blogs of my friends (Vanesa's blog; Belen's blog, Rodrigo's blog and Anita´s blog), Finally I think that it was a good language learning tool because I practiced every week, this way the english formed part of my life.

This is all for the semester jajajaj See you latter classmates and Teacher.

martes, 9 de julio de 2013

Hello Dear bloggers How are you?? I'm fine.In this opportunity I'd like to write about a TV programme that I watched when I was Young.The TV show I'm going to write about is called Mekano. The first time that I watched the tv programme was when I had 11 years old. Mekano was presented for its entertainer called José Miguel Viñuela. It is about a group of teenagers who danced, sang,played, laughed, dressed up and modeled. With the time this group became the most famous teenagers group in Chile. Mekano  used to be broadcast monday  to friday at 6pm. This programme achieved the success in 2002 when the axe music arrived to Chile. In that epoch every Chile danced with axe, and a lot brazilian dancer arrived to Chile hopeful with fame and money.The programme  ran from 1997 until 2007, is this years, it changed of entertainer much times.

The programme enjoyed me because I become the best dancer in my school and everyday I must to dance in the stage. in adittion I learned that I can enjoy with simple things.

This is only for now,I hope that you like it, see you soon, kisses for you. Regards!!

domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

My photooo :)

Dear Bloggers!! 
How are you??. I hope that you're ok. Today I'd like you to write about  a photograph of myself. really, I don't like to take a photographs, I think, I am a person that look bad in photos. The photograph I'm going to write was taken the last summer in Macchu Pichu mountain,after to leave the hotel al 4 in the morning and climbing the mountain one and half hours.and it shows a privileged nature and beautiful landscape, also I remember beautiful moments with my friends and the first "adult" vacations without parents.  I love this photo because I am with my twin sister called Shantal, I think our faces show an incomparable peace and tranquility, being honest I think that Macchu Pichu is the most mystical place in the world.
I am a person who loves to travel for this reason I'd like to have a picture in each world wonder
but  still I'm missing five :(, although I know the next destination and the companion, but not the date.

Dear bloggers this is all for now, I hope that we see soon and you have a good day, kisses
Pd: I hope that you like my photo :)

sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Dear Bloggers!!  I hope that you are ok!! Today I'd like you to write about eat!! I’m very happy because I love to eat. In general I like all kinds of food except some seafood. I think the food lately changed, now the people look other characteristics in food for example exotic food. My favorite restaurant is “Palacio Oriental”, a Chinese food in Maipú. “Palacio oriental” is located in Av. Pajaritos #3211 near the underground station “Santiago Bueras”.I usually go with my family on Sundays or some special day like new years or birthdays.The prices are reasonables, but there are expensive dishes. My favorite dish is  chaufan rice with  chapsui of chicken, also I always drink raspberry juice. I think that all foods of this restaurant is good, but I love with all my heart is “raspberry tortin”,it is a frozen cake, is made with meringue, cream and raspberries. I recommend 100% this restaurant for prices, quality, family atmosphere, variety and taste incomparable.

I hope you can go with your family or friends and enjoy this exquisite food like me. Dear bloggers that's all for today, see you later, I hope that you like this topic, kisses and regards.

jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

Hello Dear Bloggers Today I'd like you to write about a famous person. First I wants to say that this topic is difficult for me because I admire many persons, but for this occasion I chose to Javiera Carrera. She was a Chilean patriot, who stand out for supporting to the struggle for the independence of Chile. In addition, she embroidered the first flag of her country, the flag is called “Old homeland”. Besides, she hiding Chilean soldiers in her house, and she was responsible for receiving during the nights and early mornings the wagons loaded weapons to distribute in the city. Another reason because I chose this person is because my daddy admired her, and my name is Javiera in her honor. If I could see her,I’d like to ask her about her feelings, thoughts, her sad life, her brothers José Miguel, Juan José and Luis, and I would like to know what she thinks when she sees her country free now. In adittion I think that Chile must show gratitude to its women and men who believed in one day that freedom was possible and fought for a free country. Finally I think that Javiera Carrera was a woman strong character,passionate,dominant and clever.

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Hello Bloggers today in class, we learn about the importants places in London city. First I think that London city is a beautiful city, with interesting architecture, beautiful gardens  and a variety of people that make it more interesting. I would like to visit Europe, in fact it is one of my dreams. I traveled to Londres, I would visit the Buckingham Palace. The Buckingham Palace is a official residence of the monarch british, and was built in 1703. Every summer in the months of august and september the west wing opens to the public, and the people can visit the 19 official rooms of the palace. The price for get in palace is variable, the children under 5 get inside free,however if you want to visit Buckingham Palace, State Rooms, Garages Royals and Queen's Gallery you must pay £ 31. For get there you can take the Tube  Green Park, lines Jubilee, Piccadilly and Victoria, or you can take bus: 11, 211, 239, C1 and C10.  Finally I would like to visit this place because I love palace and I 've always dreamed to be a princess jajaj. Kisses!

martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

Hi bloggers I hope that you are ok!! In this class I'd like to talk about a piece of art.
 First I didn't like  art, but now I like it, I think that  art is an essential for the human race.
I don't have a favourite painter, but I like Van Gogh, Dali, Piccaso and Frida Kahlo. The picture that I most like is "La liberté guidant le peuple", by the french painter Eugéne Delacroix .
I saw this picture for first time in  high school, in  history class,while we were studying the french revolution.
I like it because I think that it shows a period of time,specially the days 27, 28 and 29 of july in 1830, when the people rebeled and started to fight for their rights, in addition this picture shows the three fundaments of the French revolution: equality, fraternity and liberty. I think that this picture is the best piece of art because it was made with an excellent technique of brightness, besides, it show very important topicsfor society for exemple: class fight, human exploitation, injustices, power of the king, patriotism etc.
Actually this piece of art is preserved in the Louvre Museum in Paris.

Dear bloggers see you later, I hope that  you like this topic, kisses.

martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Hello Friends How are you??? I'm fine...
Today I'd like you to write about the beaches.
Chile is a country which have a lot beaches, this beaches are very beautiful,relaxing and ideal for the family life. My prefer beach in Chile is "Totoralillo", Totorallilo is located between Las Tacas and La Herradura in the fourth region, of Coquimbo. I like because this beach is the white sands and turquoise waters, in addition this beach have high wave, as matter in fact is the best beach for surf.

when I was little, I went every summer with my parents, but I haven't been to Totoralillo since 2011,although I miss to go there.

In the beach I prefer walk in the sand, play games, building sand castle with my cousins, think and reflect about my life and have a good time, besides I like  meet  new people and talk about different topics. I don't like in the beach is sunbathe, because the doctor forbid me, because the sun damage my skin.

Finally in conclusion I like to go the beach, but I prefer to go when a few people go, this way I enjoy the beach only for me.

Good, dear bloggers see you soon I love you :)

martes, 23 de abril de 2013

Hello Bloggers!

Long time that I no write, but now I do it xD, Today I' d like you to write about a film I saw al the cinema. First really I don't like to go at the cinema,and nor to see films, I think that is a waste of time, but I respect the people who like, 

The last film I saw al the cinema was "Stefan v/s Kramer" (is an old movie, to see that I'm not going to the cinema), It is a comedy film, where a chilean comedy imiting different public persons including politicians, actors, footballers, etc. I saw the movie in August last year in Cine Planet at the Mall Florida Center, I went with my friend.

I liked the movie because It's a very funny and I laughed a lot (I don't usually laugh about these things).I would recommend this film to people who like to have fun and want to have a pleasant time and I wouldn't recommend it to people serious. Finally what I critize  the movie is that some characters are not so well imitated but general is okey!.

That's all for today,  I hope you are well, see you later ... 


martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Hi Blogger!!! How are you?? I'am fine. Today I would like you to write about the future.I love this topic because I am very dreamer, actually I every night think about my future and imagine my life in 10 years more. Maybe, my ambitions are very common and simples. First, I would like to be a woman professional , this way to be independent. also I would like to travel with my father,mother and sister to Europe, I dream with visit the Eiffel Tower then also would like visit Morocco.
Other ambitions that I have are: have a big, beautiful, comfortable and safe house, in addition I love  dogs then I would like to have 100 dogs, but I am a rational person and I know that this is imposible. Besides, I would like to marry with the best man and we have a daughter and became happy forever.
I would like to achieve my ambitions because I feel me a complete person, who fought for what I wanted.

My family inspired my ambitions, everything I do is for them, because they be very happy and together. Finally, realising my ambitions means for me, to have fulfileds my goals.

Is all for today, see you soon!! Kisses.... Bye :)

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

Hi Blogger!!! How are you?? I hope that you are very fine :) This week I will tell you about songs. First I tell that I don't like english music, but in the past I listened many songs in english. I don't have favourite song and neither favourite group.
As I said in the past I listened english music and I liked many songs for example "gone", "era la música", "connected", "family", by mexican group RBD.I  heard it for the first time a eight years ago because RBD was the favourite group of my friend, actually I went to three concert. This band formed in 2004, when its six members make a soap opera. I liked these songs because their letters are very funny, sensitive,make glad and now when I listen remember old times in particular "the family" that says:"you matter what you need from me, you know you've got it... I can give you anything... you can call me any moment if you need some love...."

Talking about the style, I don't have prefer, but generally I listen pop music and romantic music.

I hope that you like my publication, greeting for alls! Kisses.

martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

Hi bloggers!!

I am writing to you because I would like to talk about  a book that I like. First, actually I am not reading a book, because I have been very busy in the university. I think that the literature is an art because  the people discover  others worlds, generally fantastic.
My favourite book is called "la casa de los espiritus" and it was written by a Chilean author called Isabel Allende. The book tells the story a chilean family and their problems in a dificult time for the country. I read the book in the school 3 years ago, for language class, but I dont tire of reading it.

I have read this book many times, in fact I read it in last summer.I recommend."la casa de los espiritus" because  It shows the traditional life of the Chilean families with problems, deceptions, loves, controversy,impossible dreams and class fight. It's an interesting book that readers don't feel sorry to read.

See you next week, greetings to you!

martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Hi I am Javiera now I am writting my first activity in the blog. I study geography in university of Chile, I am 21 years old. I would like to tell  you that I have a twin sister her name is Shantal, and she studies public administration in university of Chile, also I have a two dogs, Sebastián and Astro.
In this holidays I traveled with my friends to Perú, specifically to Machu Picchu;and Cusco, on the voyage  I was really happy. I  knew another culture very well , also I enjoyed walking around the markets and older streets. In the future I will hope to travel to Europe.
  Another topic I would like to tell you about is my hobbies, for exemple I like to go shopping, dancing, and meeting new people. I am a girl who I doesn't like the injusticie, and the lying people but I like  animals, the peace and the simple things of  life.

For you attention please, I'll see soon..... Bye!!