domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

My photooo :)

Dear Bloggers!! 
How are you??. I hope that you're ok. Today I'd like you to write about  a photograph of myself. really, I don't like to take a photographs, I think, I am a person that look bad in photos. The photograph I'm going to write was taken the last summer in Macchu Pichu mountain,after to leave the hotel al 4 in the morning and climbing the mountain one and half hours.and it shows a privileged nature and beautiful landscape, also I remember beautiful moments with my friends and the first "adult" vacations without parents.  I love this photo because I am with my twin sister called Shantal, I think our faces show an incomparable peace and tranquility, being honest I think that Macchu Pichu is the most mystical place in the world.
I am a person who loves to travel for this reason I'd like to have a picture in each world wonder
but  still I'm missing five :(, although I know the next destination and the companion, but not the date.

Dear bloggers this is all for now, I hope that we see soon and you have a good day, kisses
Pd: I hope that you like my photo :)

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi javi :D your picture is beautiful :) I would like visit Machu Pichu soon :) and you and your sister look good in the photograph :)

  2. Hiii javiii this photo is very pretty and beatiful i remember that nice travel:)
