martes, 23 de julio de 2013

Hello Dear Bloggers!! Today I'd like to write about the blogs :). First,, I'd like to talk to you that I am very sad, because today is the last week with the blog. I enjoyed with english blog, because I think it  was great experience, that I learned about my classmates and I could know about your secret life. My favourite post was when I talked about a famous person and when I talked about my photo, because I love to talk about my life, my family, my pets,my friends. Really I am a spontaneous person and I evaluate me like a sincere person. The least favourite post was I wrote about the art, because I think that the art is a subjective topic, it depends on each one. I liked all the blogs, because with each blog I learned something of the  life  of my classmates. I can't choose the most attractive because I think that my classmates wrote your feelings in their blogs , in addition, I think that each one learned about their classmates, but I always write in the blogs of my friends (Vanesa's blog; Belen's blog, Rodrigo's blog and Anita´s blog), Finally I think that it was a good language learning tool because I practiced every week, this way the english formed part of my life.

This is all for the semester jajajaj See you latter classmates and Teacher.

3 comentarios:

  1. first comment!!!! ahahahah i think that english subject was a very good way to learn and enjoy the university :D your blog is very pink jajja but i like it C:

  2. Hiiii my dear friend javi :) i like the experience wrote in the blog and i enjoy see you blog!!

  3. Javi :) I liked write in you blog because we always wrote similar topics xD it was so funny
