martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

Hi bloggers I hope that you are ok!! In this class I'd like to talk about a piece of art.
 First I didn't like  art, but now I like it, I think that  art is an essential for the human race.
I don't have a favourite painter, but I like Van Gogh, Dali, Piccaso and Frida Kahlo. The picture that I most like is "La liberté guidant le peuple", by the french painter Eugéne Delacroix .
I saw this picture for first time in  high school, in  history class,while we were studying the french revolution.
I like it because I think that it shows a period of time,specially the days 27, 28 and 29 of july in 1830, when the people rebeled and started to fight for their rights, in addition this picture shows the three fundaments of the French revolution: equality, fraternity and liberty. I think that this picture is the best piece of art because it was made with an excellent technique of brightness, besides, it show very important topicsfor society for exemple: class fight, human exploitation, injustices, power of the king, patriotism etc.
Actually this piece of art is preserved in the Louvre Museum in Paris.

Dear bloggers see you later, I hope that  you like this topic, kisses.

4 comentarios:

  1. I like this painting too :D I love history of French Revolution !

  2. Hi dear Javiii!
    is a intesting painting, i see the fight for freedom is very beatifull
    i like much this painting

  3. Hi Javi!
    the painting that you choose is very beautiful and significant. I like so much the history about french revolution.
    See you, bye!!

  4. Hi!

    This work of art has a lot of content, but also the cd recalls me of Coldplay "Viva la Vida"

