jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

Hello Dear Bloggers Today I'd like you to write about a famous person. First I wants to say that this topic is difficult for me because I admire many persons, but for this occasion I chose to Javiera Carrera. She was a Chilean patriot, who stand out for supporting to the struggle for the independence of Chile. In addition, she embroidered the first flag of her country, the flag is called “Old homeland”. Besides, she hiding Chilean soldiers in her house, and she was responsible for receiving during the nights and early mornings the wagons loaded weapons to distribute in the city. Another reason because I chose this person is because my daddy admired her, and my name is Javiera in her honor. If I could see her,I’d like to ask her about her feelings, thoughts, her sad life, her brothers José Miguel, Juan José and Luis, and I would like to know what she thinks when she sees her country free now. In adittion I think that Chile must show gratitude to its women and men who believed in one day that freedom was possible and fought for a free country. Finally I think that Javiera Carrera was a woman strong character,passionate,dominant and clever.

5 comentarios:

  1. hi dear javi! i am impressed, is a famous woman and very important in the history of Chile and your name is in honor to Javiera Carrera is very nice!!! :)

  2. Hi javi :D I like that you´ve wrote about a chilean women :)

  3. Hello Javi!!!!
    Javiera Carrera is a great woman of the history of Chile, his life was invaluable...I like...!!!

  4. Hello Javi, obviously going to write about Javiera Carrera is your namesake wakjwajk c:

  5. Javiii you namesake jajajaajajaj I know that your idol c:
