martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Hi I am Javiera now I am writting my first activity in the blog. I study geography in university of Chile, I am 21 years old. I would like to tell  you that I have a twin sister her name is Shantal, and she studies public administration in university of Chile, also I have a two dogs, Sebastián and Astro.
In this holidays I traveled with my friends to Perú, specifically to Machu Picchu;and Cusco, on the voyage  I was really happy. I  knew another culture very well , also I enjoyed walking around the markets and older streets. In the future I will hope to travel to Europe.
  Another topic I would like to tell you about is my hobbies, for exemple I like to go shopping, dancing, and meeting new people. I am a girl who I doesn't like the injusticie, and the lying people but I like  animals, the peace and the simple things of  life.

For you attention please, I'll see soon..... Bye!!

7 comentarios:

  1. Very kisses to Piglet, you are bad mother.. becaouse you don't writte about your son Piglet jijijijiji. Also I love you so much :)

  2. i like the name of your dog "astro" it's cool and original c:, and obvioulsy you blor blog is so girly c: jijiji

  3. Little javiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! your blog is very pin like your son, Piglet i like it so much!!!!! greetings my dear friend! I see you in the university =)

  4. Javi :) you are a nice person =), I like travel and dance too, I hope this year we´ll go to a few parties together!!

  5. awwww is so cut!!! i liked your love for the animals, you are a good and excelent person my friend!!!! :)

  6. oh javi, you're so sweet! and your blog is so pink! jajjaa
    Are you go to Europe? Me too! especially London!
    Well... I have to go.
    Bye :D

  7. Hi Javiera,
    Does your sister study English in Public Administration?
