martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Hi Blogger!!! How are you?? I'am fine. Today I would like you to write about the future.I love this topic because I am very dreamer, actually I every night think about my future and imagine my life in 10 years more. Maybe, my ambitions are very common and simples. First, I would like to be a woman professional , this way to be independent. also I would like to travel with my father,mother and sister to Europe, I dream with visit the Eiffel Tower then also would like visit Morocco.
Other ambitions that I have are: have a big, beautiful, comfortable and safe house, in addition I love  dogs then I would like to have 100 dogs, but I am a rational person and I know that this is imposible. Besides, I would like to marry with the best man and we have a daughter and became happy forever.
I would like to achieve my ambitions because I feel me a complete person, who fought for what I wanted.

My family inspired my ambitions, everything I do is for them, because they be very happy and together. Finally, realising my ambitions means for me, to have fulfileds my goals.

Is all for today, see you soon!! Kisses.... Bye :)

4 comentarios:

  1. javi xD we have the same preferences :) jajaj I hope you´ll can fulfil your ambitions :)

  2. Ohhh I love Morocco! I hope that we meet there in the future :D

  3. Javi, your dreams is soy lovely you ever think in the Family is so better, well and we agree in the some ambition,also i want travel and know more places, bye

  4. Little javiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! i like your ambition and you are going to do because you are a very intelligent and valiant person!!! ......................and i don't want to have many sons!!!!!!! i want only two sons! a woman and men jajajaja regards for you my friend i see you!!!!!!!!
