viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Hello Teacher and Dear Bloggers.
Today is a bad day because I’m tired. Lately I’m hate the university. But I’d like to talk about the future. When I was a young girl,  I thought  be a teacher of history. I always dream can teach to the Young. In fact, I studied history  two months, but  I don´t like it. And now for coincidence of life,I study geography.
I think that I’ ll be in Chile because I can’t go far because I miss to my mother and my father, and all family , I’m very affectionate with them , although I plan to travel around the world, and return to Chile, When I imagine the future I always think that I´ll share my life with my husband and my son ( I want to have only one) and of course with my father, my mother, my sister and my nephew if I have them. In my life I ‘d like to achieve a lots things, but the most important is to be happy. Also I’d like develop myself professionally, have a happy family with a lot dogs and that my parents be healthy.
About that to change the world I think that I’ll change all, every day I can see  like the person are  individualist, selfish and destroy the nature. Then I’d like to see a world quiet, happy, harmony with the animals and nature, where every human can coexist in peace. Maybe it soundimposible, but I know that impossible is nothing.
Good teacher and bloggers I hope that you like my blogg, see you latter in the next blog, Greetings!!

3 comentarios:

  1. Javi hahahahahahaha Do you want go across the world in 80 days? I feel bad, because I don’t think in the world, I’m a individualist person, ok no xD! Hahahaha
    I hope to a great weekend, ok no with the professor Araya this don’t happen :/
    I’ll see you soon (:

  2. My little javi i think the same that you... the actual world is only a shit! and we like geographer we have to make something!

  3. Hi dear javii! i think similar too about the world i would like have many park an nature in this world!
