viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Hello Dear bloggers!
 Today I´m very very tired and  I only wish for the holiday!. Now I would like to talk about a job that I  would like to have. At the moment I’ve done only one job, I worked in the english bookshop, its name is books and bits, but in the future If I could chose a job I think that this could be a journalist. But I chose it, because it is an excelent way to travel free. A journalist  can  travel around the world, because they always must travel to cover the news, then in those opportunities they make the most of the journey. I think that I have the qualities that you need to do this job, and I think that  I could be a great journalist, because  a journalist needs to be an adventurer, knowledgeable, emphatic , show interest for problems of the people, and extroverted. And I think that I would be a good journalist because I have the qualities that are needed to do a great job and in addition I think that in any job if you sacrifice, you can be the best.
Finally I don´t have a person who inspires me, in fact I consider there are a lot bad journalists that can´t  be inspiration for anybody, for exemple, the show business journalist,obviously not all, but the majority.  I would like to be a serious journalist, with prestige in the communications world and I would like to inform the best way possible to people.

Good, dear bloggers I hope that are fine, see you in the next blog!! Bye.

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Hellooo Bloggers Today i’m tired and now I don´t want to do nothings, but today  I’d like to talk you about a walk that I Like to Do Again.
Lately my family is very  sporty, in fact my daddy is runner, and my sister and I are starting to practice sport because this way we accompany to my daddy.
My family loves walk us out at the sunday, because my mother Works to Saturday.
Often we would leave the car in house, like this our adventure start in the house. First we take the public bus, after in the metro  we get off the bus and to take it. Normally we go to Cerro San Cristobal hill, but  the last time that we went was in october 13 rd, because now we are very  busy and we hope with desire the other opportunity  for  go.
My family and I love this place because we think that we can make contact with the nature, also is the best way  for relax us. We enjoy us walking until "the virgin" and in the road towards the Summit we eat “mote con huesillos” or  empanadas that are selling in the hill shop. When we return of hill, we often walk to Bellavista. and  eat a ice-cream,  after we walk in the  Forestal Park until arrive to Plaza de armas, when we finally to take the metro and we return to my house, generally we arrive to 20 hours.
I always wish to go the hill, because I feel that it be used for the joining together of my family and also is a way “3B” like to say in spanish xd “good, pretty and cheap” to relax us and forget us all problems.
Good Blogger this is all for now, I hope that you like it, see you in the next blog  J

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013


Hello Teacher and classmates.
Today is a bad day because I’m very very tired and tomorrow  I’ll must go to field of Quaternary. Now, I’ll talk you about a free topic.

I’d  like to talk you about  the wedding of my brother jijiji. He is 28 years old, and  wiill get marry in february, 15. I know that still lack a long time, but I yesterday bought  my dress, is blue, beautiful and I love it from the first time when I saw it. The last wedding  that I went  was in 2007 and I was child, then I went to my house early. But now I ‘m a old girl, then I will enjoy the wedding all night. My problem is that I don´t have companion, but I’m in search him, although I must admit that there is a candidate in eyesight.
Other reason that I think that is a important the wedding of my brother is because I have a nephew, he is Martyn and he is 6 years old, he is very excinting with the wedding of his parent, in fact he will take the rings to altar.

Finally,  I’ve wish always that in a wedding someone oppose, but I hope that this dont´t be the ocassion (is very common in the soap opera), also I hope they will be happy for ever and I´ll can have a lot nephews, and their wedding be beautifull in the company all their family, because is a very important decisión for the rest of their lifes.

Good Dear Blogger this is all for now, see you in the next post, bye J

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Hello Teacher and Dear Bloggers.
Today is a bad day because I’m tired. Lately I’m hate the university. But I’d like to talk about the future. When I was a young girl,  I thought  be a teacher of history. I always dream can teach to the Young. In fact, I studied history  two months, but  I don´t like it. And now for coincidence of life,I study geography.
I think that I’ ll be in Chile because I can’t go far because I miss to my mother and my father, and all family , I’m very affectionate with them , although I plan to travel around the world, and return to Chile, When I imagine the future I always think that I´ll share my life with my husband and my son ( I want to have only one) and of course with my father, my mother, my sister and my nephew if I have them. In my life I ‘d like to achieve a lots things, but the most important is to be happy. Also I’d like develop myself professionally, have a happy family with a lot dogs and that my parents be healthy.
About that to change the world I think that I’ll change all, every day I can see  like the person are  individualist, selfish and destroy the nature. Then I’d like to see a world quiet, happy, harmony with the animals and nature, where every human can coexist in peace. Maybe it soundimposible, but I know that impossible is nothing.
Good teacher and bloggers I hope that you like my blogg, see you latter in the next blog, Greetings!!