viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

Hello Bloggers!
How are you?? I'm fine , and I hope that you are ok!.Today I'd like to write about a very sad moment the  earthquake of february 27th. In that date I was in my house, I recently put in the bed, because I watched in the "festival de Viña" to Ricardo Arjona. When the earth started to shake I left in a hurry of ny bed, but I was very nervous and I can't open the door. I was with my sister, my mother and my daddy. My sister is lazy, then she doesn't want to get up, but my daddy and my mother  like  a good parents get up of their bed and they went to my room and the room of my sister, We were all together, then we were quiet, but the earthquake don´t  finish (was very long). My parent took us in their arms and my mother started to pray. After ,my daddy remembered of the new televisión that was in the living room and he run to hold. While all this happened I was  about to faint, and my sister collected water. when the earthquake finished I was more quiet and my neighbour left their house and asked in the all street how did you. After a long time my mother remembered of my  neigbour next to my house, she and her daugther were alone, because her husband was in Concepcion :(, She was nevous and she tried to call him, but the mobile phone don´t operate. In the morning, they went to their house, because in that night nobody slept. In the evening arrive to my house my grandmother and she was in my house all week because she is very cowardly. In my house don't be effect for the earthquake but I have to visit the psychologist and now  I have fear the earthquake.
Good, bloggers this is my sad history, see you in the next blog :)

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Hello Dear Bloggers!!

Good morning today I’d like to write about a pet. I am very happy because this is a topic that I like it. I have 2 dogs, but in the past I have 3 dogs, in 2010 Firulays died. They arrived the differents ways to my house. First arrived Astro, he borned on the house side, and the neighbour give me. After arrived Firulays, she had been abandoned and she was very very thin and sick. Finally arrived Sebastian, he is Firulays and Astro’s son. Astro and Sebastian  behave them very  bad, they always knocks down the towel and Sebastian doesn´t stop bark in the window, he is fighter. For other side Firulays was very lovin (was because she died), she was the ideal pet, she loved go for a walk and she was special dog in all the fields. My family and I always play with them, they run and play with their toys, they have a giraffe and  balls.

We loved them and we take care of them. We always carry to veterinary, we buy the tasty food for them, play with them, and we all saturdays and Sundays go for a walk in the park. In conclusión my dogs are very special in my home and are very spoilt.

Good bloggers this is only for now, I hope that you are fine!!. See you in the next blog J.

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

A Special Meal
Hello Dear Bloggers!!!

Today I'd like to write about a special meal. My favourite special meal was in 2008. I remember that all my family and I had a New Year dinner in a chinese food. My family is very big and also we are connected, everytime we do activities for share. Our table was the biggest in the restaurant and we had 8 waiter only for us. In the dinner were my mum, my sister, my daddy, my godfather and his family, my uncles, my 7 cousins, my grandmother, my grandfather, my great-grandmother (she had 94 years old in that date).
My family is ver very big meal ( my godfather is able eat 2 kg of meat alone). In the dinner we ate very much meat, with chaufan rice, chapsui of chicken and I drank raspberry juice (my favourite), also I think that all chinese food is good. My grandmother ate an exotic food, I don´t know that was still, only she ate it.

I remember this ocassion because was the last New year of my great- grand mother, because in february of 2009, she died. Then the family was sad for her death, but for other side we were happy because we were the last new year together and we celebrated. After the dinner we were full, then we went to godfather's house , we danced until daybreak, definitely was the best new year in my life. All my family remember the 'happy' new year of 2008.

Good this is only for now, good weekend! Kisses 

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

Hello Blogger Today I’d like to talk about a beach or lake that I’ve visited. I love getting out to Santiago, I enjoy to visit other places. I went to Panguipulli Lake in 2009 by study tour. I went with my classmates and my Teacher. When we arrived to Panguipulli, we go all over the place. We can see a old museum and perceive beauty of lake. The day was sunny, the water's  lake was crystalline and I was really happy with my friends. We take many photographs. we ate in a small restaurant that was in a village and after  to wait around two hours we board the boat, this boat  crossed us, then we finally took the bus that brought to Bariloche. I remember this experince because I was really happy, sometimes I think was the best seven days of my life. I visited many beautiful places, ice-skate, ate very much (because in Bariloche there are much chocolate shops).
Also I think was a great experience, because I can share with my classmates, and was the first time I traveled outside to Chile. in the return to Santiago,  we was in Valdivia and  puyehue thermal springs. Finally we arrived to Santiago after seven happy days.
Good, blogger this is only for now, Greetings!!