martes, 23 de julio de 2013

Hello Dear Bloggers!! Today I'd like to write about the blogs :). First,, I'd like to talk to you that I am very sad, because today is the last week with the blog. I enjoyed with english blog, because I think it  was great experience, that I learned about my classmates and I could know about your secret life. My favourite post was when I talked about a famous person and when I talked about my photo, because I love to talk about my life, my family, my pets,my friends. Really I am a spontaneous person and I evaluate me like a sincere person. The least favourite post was I wrote about the art, because I think that the art is a subjective topic, it depends on each one. I liked all the blogs, because with each blog I learned something of the  life  of my classmates. I can't choose the most attractive because I think that my classmates wrote your feelings in their blogs , in addition, I think that each one learned about their classmates, but I always write in the blogs of my friends (Vanesa's blog; Belen's blog, Rodrigo's blog and Anita´s blog), Finally I think that it was a good language learning tool because I practiced every week, this way the english formed part of my life.

This is all for the semester jajajaj See you latter classmates and Teacher.

martes, 9 de julio de 2013

Hello Dear bloggers How are you?? I'm fine.In this opportunity I'd like to write about a TV programme that I watched when I was Young.The TV show I'm going to write about is called Mekano. The first time that I watched the tv programme was when I had 11 years old. Mekano was presented for its entertainer called José Miguel Viñuela. It is about a group of teenagers who danced, sang,played, laughed, dressed up and modeled. With the time this group became the most famous teenagers group in Chile. Mekano  used to be broadcast monday  to friday at 6pm. This programme achieved the success in 2002 when the axe music arrived to Chile. In that epoch every Chile danced with axe, and a lot brazilian dancer arrived to Chile hopeful with fame and money.The programme  ran from 1997 until 2007, is this years, it changed of entertainer much times.

The programme enjoyed me because I become the best dancer in my school and everyday I must to dance in the stage. in adittion I learned that I can enjoy with simple things.

This is only for now,I hope that you like it, see you soon, kisses for you. Regards!!

domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

My photooo :)

Dear Bloggers!! 
How are you??. I hope that you're ok. Today I'd like you to write about  a photograph of myself. really, I don't like to take a photographs, I think, I am a person that look bad in photos. The photograph I'm going to write was taken the last summer in Macchu Pichu mountain,after to leave the hotel al 4 in the morning and climbing the mountain one and half hours.and it shows a privileged nature and beautiful landscape, also I remember beautiful moments with my friends and the first "adult" vacations without parents.  I love this photo because I am with my twin sister called Shantal, I think our faces show an incomparable peace and tranquility, being honest I think that Macchu Pichu is the most mystical place in the world.
I am a person who loves to travel for this reason I'd like to have a picture in each world wonder
but  still I'm missing five :(, although I know the next destination and the companion, but not the date.

Dear bloggers this is all for now, I hope that we see soon and you have a good day, kisses
Pd: I hope that you like my photo :)