viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013


Hello Blogger How are you??.
 Today I'd like to write about something I would like to learn to do.  I´d like to learn to speak english very well. In the past I went to an english institute , I was in there two years, and I considerer that I learnt  too, also in my high school the english class was excelent, the english teacher was the best. The difficult in the past to learn to speak english was that the class were on  Saturday in the morning, then I felt very tired, and the difficultly now is I dont´t have time, because the university is more important.
I think that I can learn to speak english very well in a Little time, if I try. The equipment  I would need are english books, to take a class in the institute again also, because I forgot something , a good dictionary, but really I think that the most important difficultly that I would  face in trying to learn to speak english is I don’t have money  to pay for the english class, because the other things that I need, are very easy to obtain for me, because my mother works in the english bookshop, then I can buy books when they are  on  offer, for example I bought “hard times”, and it has 280 pages, then I must read in the summer, and this way I can practice my english.

 This is only for now, see you latter when I write the other blog, byee J

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Hello Dear bloggers... How are you?? I'm ver very happy, because I love the homeland festivity I think that is a very important date, and I feel proud to be chilean.

 I always celebrate this date, but the most remember celebration is when I was 17 or 18 years old (I don´t remember properly). I was in the great-grandfather house, with all my family (father, mother, sister, cousin,uncle,godfather,etc).

First we ate pasty, roast meat, potato, rice,roast chicken, and all type of typical chilean food and drank wine and something to drink. After the lunch I went to the park with my father,my godfather, and my cousins and we raise to kite, I was really enjoyed because I was very happy played a “ typical chilean game” (I think that the traditions are important and identity us like chileans). After the game, we returned to the house and we ate again (we love eat). Finally the night to arrived, and each one of us  returned our houses. Next day we watched tv “military parade” because is a tradition family( my the great-grandfather loved it, but now she was death, we carry on with the tradition).

In conclusion, the Fiestas Patrias is the most like celebration for me, I hope this year we celebrate the birthday of Chile.


viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

Hello Dear Bloggers
 A long time that I didn´t write in my blog, but today I come back. In this opportunity I would like to write about mu hobbies.
First I must say that I like a lot things in the life, but the things that I like it I really love it. My principal hobbie is get together with my friends, with they I am very happy. We used to play "never never" (hihihi), talk about our lifes and laugh the bad things.
Other hobbie that I have is go for a walk my dogs, I have two dogs, their names are Astro and Sebastián and  I generally the sundays go for a walk them with my parents, but Sebastián have many strength then I don´t walk with it.
Other hobbie that I have recently is read, before I hate it, but now I have learned love it. I read the novels, the last  novel I read was "youth in ecstasy"and it was written by a mexican author called  Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez. My favourite autor is Isabel Allende, and I've  read almost all  books her. Finally, the last hobbie is share with my family, we always talk in the night about the our day, we are a great family :)
This is only for now, see you later, kisses!!